Some of my paintings on display at the London Art Council office as a resident art at The Art Gallery of Lambeth.
251 Dundas Street
London, ON
N6A 6H9
Featured Gallery: The Art Gallery of Lambeth
The Art Gallery of Lambeth is a unique art gallery curated by 2 London, Ontario award winning artists. Vivian Tserotas and Brenda Colley have come together to promote the arts and visual arts education.
The AGL is committed to a community focus and offers a variety of events, art workshops for adults and children’s art programs, held in our fabulous art studio in London, Ontario.
The AGL encourages visitors to visit often as we frequently change our exhibits. You can download a copy of our brochure for a complete listing and visit our show calendar page on our website.
An exciting new venture is the AGL STEP BY STEP painting classes. Check out the calendar, pick a painting, and come out for a relaxed, social evening creating a lovely piece of art to take home. All materials are provided; you just need to bring yourself! An instructor walks you through the process step by step…. perfect for the beginner artist. Beverages and snacks will also be available for purchase.
The AGL has a partnership with local merchant, Mennonite Furniture Plus, located at 2200 Wharncliffe Road South, in London. Both partner and resident artist will have work exhibited in the furniture gallery, to give customers a firsthand look at how original art can enhance a living space. Stop in for a visit!
2454 Main Street, London, Ontario
Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday: 1pm – 5pm
Saturday: 11am – 4pm
Contact Information:
P: 519. 652. 5556