Here’s a few great online courses to get you started with your own Personal Painting Practice.

Paint the Buddha
This is where we gather, in our collective “studio,” to create our OMMMMMM…
Join Whitney Freya and hundreds of compassionate creatives to paint your own Buddha painting!
Enjoy 8 instructional videos…joining Whitney “live” as she paints Buddha and guides you every brush stroke of the way!
Also, learn Whitney Freya’s version of the Buddhist TONGLEN Practice. Learn how you can surrender to any low vibration and transform it into LOVE that will ripple out around the planet! Oh, yeah!
When you join, you get to be a part of an incredible community that is painting Buddha together here in Whitney Freya’s online studio! AND you have lifetime access!
Past students have painted LOTS of Buddhas and even sold their paintings and Buddha commissions!
Whitney started painting Buddhas during a very challenging time in her life. ONCE SHE FELT how the energy of Buddha on the canvas seemed to bathe her in a whole new kind of PEACE…she painted A LOT of Buddhas!
This course offers very specific instruction about how to paint Buddha’s face, helping you to paint any kind of faces, with emphasis on shading and making the face look three dimensional.
With the techniques shared in this course, you can go on to paint anything!
Now it’s your turn!!! Let’s get your OM on right now! CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO

22 Day Tara Painting Meditation Challenge
In The Freedom Sessions we will…
~Enjoy a guided meditation.
~Dive deeper into aspects of Green TARA.
~Learn and chant a mantra to one of the aspects of Green TARA.
~Experience a sound bath.
~Have a chance to share.
-You will paint an altar to TARA.
-You will paint an acrylic, multi-layered, mixed media, energetic painting of TARA.
-You will learn painting techniques that are both practical and spiritual.
-You will learn about TARA and all 21 aspects of TARA.
-You will learn more about yourself, what is available to you and all that is possible when we open up to the support and protection of the divine feminine.
-You will become stronger, more courageous, and more self-expressive.
-Your authentic self will take even more of your center stage as you understand new facets of your own personal super powers.
-You will learn about mudras and mantras and the sacred symbolism surrounding TARA.
-You will paint to guided meditations, exploring a whole new way to cultivate inner peace and self-confidence.
-You will illuminate your own inner buddha nature, the core teaching of Buddhism–that we can each achieve buddha-hood.

Super Soul Flow Meditation Course
Are You Ready to go Multi Dimensional?
Super Soul Flow is an 8-week Meditation Course that will guide you into a whole new perspective of WHO YOU TRULY ARE in this life.
This Meditation Course is nothing less than pure magic. Super Soul Flow is intended for YOU if you are excited and ready to lead yourself and those around you over the bridge from fear to love. The call is nothing less than to bring your own personal piece of heaven down into your space on earth. Are you ready to live FIRST as an Infinite Being and SECOND as the You as you have been known up until now? This is the Super Soul Flow invitation. I believe our ability to fully integrate our infinite, multi-dimensional nature was not fully available until NOW. This Super Soul Flow process that I have magically received is ONE sure way for you to remember and embody the TRUTH of who you really are.
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